Born in New York City, raised in Poughkeepsie and Chappaqua, NY, David studied literature and anthropology at the University of Iowa. After a stint on a kibbutz in Israel just after the Yom Kippur war, he returned to the US to work at Stein and Day Publishing. Before moving to the Outer Cape with his family, he worked in commercial printing at Crafton Graphic and Graphis in New York and Zurich.
About Us

David A. Keller
Mary Maxwell
Writer and Senior Editor
A widely published poet, critic and independent scholar, after college (first Bryn Mawr, then Columbia University) Mary worked as a production editor at Conde Nast Publishing (Mademoiselle magazine) and as a publishing coordinator on Wall Street (Kidder, Peabody & Co.) in New York City. Since her move to the Outer Cape in 1998, she’s served as poetry editor and on the Board of Advisors of Provincetown Arts magazine.